The history and significant evolution of fashion photography

Photography is a hobby that turns into a passion and eventually a profession. If you are an aspiring photographer, then you obviously know about the different genres of photography. However, if you want to stick to the glamour world, fashion photography is the ideal option for you. “The fashion photography has its own style and it only evolves along with the fashion trend”- states Elizabeth Lavin, a renowned fashion photographer in Dallas . The fashion photography is categorized as ephemeral because; it changes according to the fashion trend. The evolution of fashion photography is quite interesting and inspiring. The history of fashion photography is itself considered as an inspiring era to grow confidence in abilities on the wider world. If you want to dig into the history of fashion photography more deeply, the evolution of fashion photography dates way back in the 1850s. The first fashion magazines Harper’s Bazaar and Vogue both were founded in the late 1800s. Eventually, ...